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What is BYUPAS?
BYUPAS is a non-partisan alumni society organized under the BYU Department of Political Science. While the Society encourages its members to become active in electoral politics, it does not endorse or advocate on behalf of any candidate or issue.

Why did BYU organize the Society?
BYU has many great programs that allow students to get involved in political internships, including the Washington Seminar and Utah State legislative internship, as well as programs associated with the Kennedy Center. This being said, faculty and alumni saw the need to create an organization that would help connect students and faculty to alumni to help bridge the gap that often exists once students graduate. At the same time, alumni realized the benefits of creating an organized network of politically involved individuals. Thus, the Society offers alumni, students and faculty an opportunity to serve one another. When Society members serve one another, we not only move the Society forward down a successful path, but fulfill BYU’s inherent call to “go forth to serve.”

How is BYUPAS organized?
BYUPAS has three main components – a National Board of Directors, a National Presidency and Chapters. The BYUPAS National Board of Directors oversees the governance of the Society. The National Presidency helps build and serve chapters, as well as oversees the administrative aspects of the Society. State and regional Chapters are created to help organize and allow members to better connect.

What do chapters do?
Chapters are where the proverbial “rubber meets the road,” where members will be most involved. Chapters hold events to help members build better networks and learn from one another. Chapter events include receptions, luncheons, career development seminars and much more. If you are interested in getting involved in an established chapter or would like information on how to start a chapter in your area, sign up to become a member of BYUPAS and visit the Chapters webpage on this website.

Who can join BYUPAS?
In short, everyone! BYUPAS members include BYU alumni, faculty and students, and friends of the university. Membership is free and the benefits grow each week – to join, simply visit the BYUPAS membership webpage.

How can I get involved with BYUPAS?
First, you need to join (see above). Then, when filling out your membership form, let us know how you can help. BYUPAS is volunteer-driven – without volunteers and the countless hours these individuals give to build the organization, the Society would be far from successful.

Take a moment today to check out the BYUPAS website and sign up to become a member. With your help, we can continue building the Society’s network and make BYUPAS a success for years to come!

If you have any further questions, please send them to membership@byupas.org.​